Having looked at the power of sin and the wonderful promise the gospel gives us through the Holy Spirit in our last lesson, let’s now look at how the Christian has real "power" to deal with sin! Paul wanted the Ephesians to appreciate this "power" - Ep 1:19-20 "I want you to know about the great and mighty power that God has for us followers. It is the same wonderful power he used when he raised Christ from death and let him sit at his right side in heaven." Notice: it is according to the same power that raised Jesus from the dead. By what power was Jesus' resurrection accomplished? "...declared to be the Son of God with power according to the Spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead." - Ro 1:4 "...if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you." - Ro 8:11. By the power of the Spirit of God! Paul prayed that the Ephesians would be strengthened inwardly through this "power" or "might" (i.e., the Spirit of God) - Ep 3:16 "God is wonderful and glorious. I pray that his Spirit will make you become strong followers" How great is this "might" or "power" in us? Note carefully Ep 3:20, where it is stated that God is:
"Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, " "able to do" "exceedingly" "abundantly" "above all that we ask or think" "according to the power that works in us"! This should make us appreciate more the statement of Paul later in his letter to the Ephesians: "Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might." - Ep 6:10 (KJV) The source of that strength and mighty power the Lord provides is the indwelling Spirit in the lives of Christians!
Consider, therefore the implications of the gift of the Holy Spirit. For the Christian this wonderful promise should serve as motivation not to sin. For you are a "temple" of the Holy Spirit - 1 Co 6:18-20 "You surely know that your body is a temple where the Holy Spirit lives. The Spirit is in you and is a gift from God. You are no longer your own. God paid a great price for you. So use your body to honor God." When you sin, you deeply offend the Spirit! - Ep 4:30 "Don't make God's Spirit sad. The Spirit makes you sure that someday you will be free from your sins."; He 10:26-29 "No sacrifices can be made for people who decide to sin after they find out about the truth. They are God's enemies, and all they can look forward to is a terrible judgment and a furious fire. If two or more witnesses accused someone of breaking the Law of Moses, that person could be put to death. But it is much worse to dishonor God's Son and to disgrace the blood of the promise that made us holy. And it is just as bad to insult the Holy Spirit, who shows us mercy." This wonderful promise should provide encouragement in your fight against sin. You are not alone in your efforts! - Ph 2:12-13 "My dear friends, you always obeyed when I was with you. Now that I am away, you should obey even more. So work with fear and trembling to discover what it really means to be saved. God is working in you to make you willing and able to obey him." You have whatever power you need to overcome the sins you face! - Ph 4:13 "Christ gives me the strength to face anything."; 1 Jn 4:4 "Children, you belong to God, and you have defeated these enemies. God's Spirit is in you and is more powerful than the one that is in the world."; 1 Co 10:13 "You are tempted in the same way that everyone else is tempted. But God can be trusted not to let you be tempted too much, and he will show you how to escape from your temptations." This does not mean that we can become "sinless" - 1 Jn 1:8 "If we say that we have not sinned, we are fooling ourselves, and the truth isn't in our hearts." For we do not have perfect knowledge of God's will, and can therefore be guilty of "sins of ignorance". But it does mean we can overcome those sins of which we are aware! This wonderful promise means we have no excuse for our sins. We cannot say, "I can't help myself". We cannot say, "The devil made me do it". If we sin, it is because we have chosen to refuse the aid God has given us!
What are the implications for the non-Christian? Don't put off obeying the gospel until you have "reformed yourself". Many people mistakenly think that they cannot become a Christian until they overcome all their bad "habits". Yet Romans 7 demonstrates the futility of trying to do this without Christ! God will take you "as you are"... Provided you will:
Believe (trust) in His Son Jesus (that he died for your sins) - 1 Co 15:1-3
Repent of your sins (i.e., have a change of mind in which you decide to turn from your sins and start living for God) - Ac 17:30-31
Be baptized into Christ for the remission of your sins (an immersion in water as commanded by Christ and His apostles) - Mt 28:19-20; Mk 16:15-16;Ac 2:38; 10:48
Then God by His grace will:
Forgive you of your sins (release you from the guilt of sin).
Give you the gift of the Holy Spirit, Who through His indwelling will help you "reform" as you heed the Word of God (free you from the power of sin).
Don't you desire these wonderful promises? Freedom from the guilt of sin? Freedom from the power of sin? By the grace of God, when you obey the gospel you receive...
Not only "the remission of sins" to deal with your past
But "the gift of the Holy Spirit" to help with your future!
To those who desire to accept these gracious provisions of God, I can only tell you to do the same thing the apostle Peter told the people of his day:
Then Peter said to them, "Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For the promise is to you and to your children, and to all who are afar off, as many as the Lord our God will call." -- Ac 2:38-39
To receive the promises of the gospel, you must obey the commands of the gospel! Are you ready to do that. If so please contact me.
This study is from The Executable Outlines Series, a collection of sermon outlines and Bible study lessons by Mark A. Copeland . These outlines were developed in the course of my ministry as a preacher of the gospel. Feel free to use them as they are, or adapt them to suit your own personal style. To God be the glory!
The Executable Outlines Series, Copyright © Mark A. Copeland, 2001
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Sunday, March 19, 2006
The Gospel's Answer To The "Power" Of Sin - Part Two
The Gospel Of Christ And The Problem Of Sin
The Gospel's Answer To The "Power" Of Sin - Part Two
(The Gift Of The Holy Spirit)
Having looked at the power of sin in our last lesson we will now look at what the gospel of Christ offers to all who obey its commands, a wonderful promise to deal with the power of sin in our lives; the gift of the Holy Spirit. The gift of the Holy Spirit was promised to those who believe in Jesus - Jn 7:38-39 "Have faith in me, and you will have life-giving water flowing from deep inside you, just as the Scriptures say." Jesus was talking about the Holy Spirit, who would be given to everyone that had faith in him. The Spirit had not yet been given to anyone, since Jesus had not yet been given his full glory." The gift of the Holy Spirit was promised to those who repent and are baptized - Ac 2:38-39 "Peter said, "Turn back to God! Be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, so that your sins will be forgiven. Then you will be given the Holy Spirit. This promise is for you and your children. It is for everyone our Lord God will choose, no matter where they live."’ The gift of the Holy Spirit was promised to those who obey God - Ac 5:32 "We are here to tell you about all this, and so is the Holy Spirit, who is God's gift to everyone who obeys God."
Those who receive this promise are "the temple of God" (collectively, as the church) - 1 Co 3:16-17 "All of you surely know that you are God's temple and that his Spirit lives in you. Together you are God's holy temple, and God will destroy anyone who destroys his temple." Those who receive this promise are"the temple of the Holy Spirit" (individually, in our bodies) - 1 Co 6:19 "You surely know that your body is a temple where the Holy Spirit lives. The Spirit is in you and is a gift from God. You are no longer your own." Those who receive this promise have the "Spirit of God (who) dwells in you" - Ro 8:9-11 "If we follow our desires, we cannot please God. You are no longer ruled by your desires, but by God's Spirit, who lives in you. People who don't have the Spirit of Christ in them don't belong to him. But Christ lives in you. So you are alive because God has accepted you, even though your bodies must die because of your sins. Yet God raised Jesus to life! God's Spirit now lives in you, and he will raise you to life by his Spirit."
We can now deal with the power of sin. With the Spirit's aid, Christians no longer need to be dominated by the power of sin! Christians are to "put to death the deeds of the body" - Ro 8:12-13 "My dear friends, we must not live to satisfy our desires. If you do, you will die. But you will live, if by the help of God's Spirit you say "No" to your desires."; Co 3:5-11 "You died, which means that your life is hidden with Christ, who sits beside God. Christ gives meaning to your life, and when he appears, you will also appear with him in glory. Don't be controlled by your body. Kill every desire for the wrong kind of sex. Don't be immoral or indecent or have evil thoughts. Don't be greedy, which is the same as worshiping idols. God is angry with people who disobey him by doing these things. And that is exactly what you did, when you lived among people who behaved in this way. But now you must stop doing such things. You must quit being angry, hateful, and evil. You must no longer say insulting or cruel things about others. And stop lying to each other. You have given up your old way of life with its habits. Each of you is now a new person. You are becoming more and more like your Creator, and you will understand him better. It doesn't matter if you are a Greek or a Jew, or if you are circumcised or not. You may even be a barbarian or a Scythian, and you may be a slave or a free person. Yet Christ is all that matters, and he lives in all of us."
The Holy Spirit helps us through His indwelling! "The Holy Spirit by its indwelling strengthens the human spirit to enable it to control the flesh." (David Lipscomb)
"The Christian's being successfully under the control of his own spirit is conditional, the condition being that the Holy Spirit shall dwell in him and help him." (Moses Lard)
"To them (i.e., Christians) the Spirit is given as a helper of their weakness...and by its aid they overcome the flesh." (B.W. Johnson)
"Internally, the Spirit aids by ministering strength and comfort to the disciple in his effort to conform to the revealed truth and will of God." (J.W. McGarvey)
Compare this with the condition we saw described in Romans 7. In chapter 7, the man was described as in "captivity" to the law of sin which is in his members - Ro 7:23 "But in every part of me I discover something fighting against my mind, and it makes me a prisoner of sin that controls everything I do." But according to chapter 8, in Christ, one is "set free" from this law of sin and death - Ro 8:2 "The Holy Spirit will give you life that comes from Christ Jesus and will set you free from sin and death." By the help of the Spirit, one is no longer a "debtor" - Ro 8:12-13 "My dear friends, we must not live to satisfy our desires. If you do, you will die. But you will live, if by the help of God's Spirit you say "No" to your desires."
Now that we know where Christians obtain the power to overcome sin through the gospel we will look at how the Christian has real "power" to deal with sin in the next portion of this lesson.
God Bless,
Jim Newsted
Shamrock, Tx
The town that turns green for a week every year
Even though you can't see the air, It doesn't stop you from breathing
Even though you can't see God, It doesn't stop you from believing
The Gospel's Answer To The "Power" Of Sin - Part Two
(The Gift Of The Holy Spirit)
Having looked at the power of sin in our last lesson we will now look at what the gospel of Christ offers to all who obey its commands, a wonderful promise to deal with the power of sin in our lives; the gift of the Holy Spirit. The gift of the Holy Spirit was promised to those who believe in Jesus - Jn 7:38-39 "Have faith in me, and you will have life-giving water flowing from deep inside you, just as the Scriptures say." Jesus was talking about the Holy Spirit, who would be given to everyone that had faith in him. The Spirit had not yet been given to anyone, since Jesus had not yet been given his full glory." The gift of the Holy Spirit was promised to those who repent and are baptized - Ac 2:38-39 "Peter said, "Turn back to God! Be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, so that your sins will be forgiven. Then you will be given the Holy Spirit. This promise is for you and your children. It is for everyone our Lord God will choose, no matter where they live."’ The gift of the Holy Spirit was promised to those who obey God - Ac 5:32 "We are here to tell you about all this, and so is the Holy Spirit, who is God's gift to everyone who obeys God."
Those who receive this promise are "the temple of God" (collectively, as the church) - 1 Co 3:16-17 "All of you surely know that you are God's temple and that his Spirit lives in you. Together you are God's holy temple, and God will destroy anyone who destroys his temple." Those who receive this promise are"the temple of the Holy Spirit" (individually, in our bodies) - 1 Co 6:19 "You surely know that your body is a temple where the Holy Spirit lives. The Spirit is in you and is a gift from God. You are no longer your own." Those who receive this promise have the "Spirit of God (who) dwells in you" - Ro 8:9-11 "If we follow our desires, we cannot please God. You are no longer ruled by your desires, but by God's Spirit, who lives in you. People who don't have the Spirit of Christ in them don't belong to him. But Christ lives in you. So you are alive because God has accepted you, even though your bodies must die because of your sins. Yet God raised Jesus to life! God's Spirit now lives in you, and he will raise you to life by his Spirit."
We can now deal with the power of sin. With the Spirit's aid, Christians no longer need to be dominated by the power of sin! Christians are to "put to death the deeds of the body" - Ro 8:12-13 "My dear friends, we must not live to satisfy our desires. If you do, you will die. But you will live, if by the help of God's Spirit you say "No" to your desires."; Co 3:5-11 "You died, which means that your life is hidden with Christ, who sits beside God. Christ gives meaning to your life, and when he appears, you will also appear with him in glory. Don't be controlled by your body. Kill every desire for the wrong kind of sex. Don't be immoral or indecent or have evil thoughts. Don't be greedy, which is the same as worshiping idols. God is angry with people who disobey him by doing these things. And that is exactly what you did, when you lived among people who behaved in this way. But now you must stop doing such things. You must quit being angry, hateful, and evil. You must no longer say insulting or cruel things about others. And stop lying to each other. You have given up your old way of life with its habits. Each of you is now a new person. You are becoming more and more like your Creator, and you will understand him better. It doesn't matter if you are a Greek or a Jew, or if you are circumcised or not. You may even be a barbarian or a Scythian, and you may be a slave or a free person. Yet Christ is all that matters, and he lives in all of us."
The Holy Spirit helps us through His indwelling! "The Holy Spirit by its indwelling strengthens the human spirit to enable it to control the flesh." (David Lipscomb)
"The Christian's being successfully under the control of his own spirit is conditional, the condition being that the Holy Spirit shall dwell in him and help him." (Moses Lard)
"To them (i.e., Christians) the Spirit is given as a helper of their weakness...and by its aid they overcome the flesh." (B.W. Johnson)
"Internally, the Spirit aids by ministering strength and comfort to the disciple in his effort to conform to the revealed truth and will of God." (J.W. McGarvey)
Compare this with the condition we saw described in Romans 7. In chapter 7, the man was described as in "captivity" to the law of sin which is in his members - Ro 7:23 "But in every part of me I discover something fighting against my mind, and it makes me a prisoner of sin that controls everything I do." But according to chapter 8, in Christ, one is "set free" from this law of sin and death - Ro 8:2 "The Holy Spirit will give you life that comes from Christ Jesus and will set you free from sin and death." By the help of the Spirit, one is no longer a "debtor" - Ro 8:12-13 "My dear friends, we must not live to satisfy our desires. If you do, you will die. But you will live, if by the help of God's Spirit you say "No" to your desires."
Now that we know where Christians obtain the power to overcome sin through the gospel we will look at how the Christian has real "power" to deal with sin in the next portion of this lesson.
God Bless,
Jim Newsted
Shamrock, Tx
The town that turns green for a week every year
Even though you can't see the air, It doesn't stop you from breathing
Even though you can't see God, It doesn't stop you from believing
Sunday, March 12, 2006
The Gospel's Answer To The "Power" Of Sin - Part One
The Gospel Of Christ And The Problem Of Sin
The Gospel's Answer To The "Power" Of Sin
(The Gift Of The Holy Spirit)
We are continuing to examine how the gospel saves us from the problem of sin. We have seen that the commands of the gospel effectively deal with various aspects of sin:
The command to believe when obeyed solves the problem of the love of sin
The command to repent when obeyed solves the problem of the practice of sin
The command to be baptized when obeyed solves the problem of the state of sin
And we have also begun to notice that the promises in the gospel relate to different aspects of sin's problem; e.g., the promise of the remission of sins takes care of the guilt of sin. In this lesson, we shall examine another promise given to those who obey the gospel of Christ: the gift of the Holy Spirit!
Before we can really appreciate the part the Holy Spirit plays in the life of the Christian, we need to understand the power of sin. Sin’s power is vividly described by Paul. Paul describes the condition of one under the power of sin - Ro 7:14-25. I understand Paul to be describing the dilemma of one outside of Christ even though he speaks in the first person. From the context I believe he is demonstrating how the Law of Moses was inadequate to deal with the sin problem - compare Ro 7:7-14 with Ro 8:1-4. Others feel that he is describing the inner warfare that goes on inside of everyone, including Christians (which is certainly taught in Ga 5:16-17). But the reason I take the view that I do is seen as we continue on. Notice that the person in this text is described as:
"sold under sin" (14) "We know that the Law is spiritual. But I am merely a human, and I have been sold as a slave to sin."; having "sin that dwells in me" (17,20) "So I am not the one doing these evil things. The sin that lives in me is what does them." "And so, if I don't do what I know is right, I am no longer the one doing these evil things. The sin that lives in me is what does them."; in "captivity to the law of sin which is in my members" (23) "But in every part of me I discover something fighting against my mind, and it makes me a prisoner of sin that controls everything I do."; "wretched man that I am" (24) "What a miserable person I am. Who will rescue me from this body that is doomed to die?"; in a "body of death" (24). Is this the condition of one in Christ? Not in light of what Paul goes on to say in chapter 8.
This is the power of sin and the condition of all who do not have the help of God! Sin’s power affects everyone, for "All" have sinned - Ro 3:23 "All of us have sinned and fallen short of God's glory.". Even Christians must confess they often sin - 1 Jn 1:8 "If we say that we have not sinned, we are fooling ourselves, and the truth isn't in our hearts.", 10 "If we say that we have not sinned, we make God a liar, and his message isn't in our hearts." For it continues to play a strong role in our lives. It prompts the flesh to wage war against the soul - 1 Pe 2:11 "Dear friends, you are foreigners and strangers on this earth. So I beg you not to surrender to those desires that fight against you." Sin’s power tries to take advantage of our desires, and if it does, can lead to spiritual death - Ja 1:13-15 "Don't blame God when you are tempted! God cannot be tempted by evil, and he doesn't use evil to tempt others. We are tempted by our own desires that drag us off and trap us. Our desires make us sin, and when sin is finished with us, it leaves us dead." If not controlled, sin will continue to enslave us! - cf. Jn 8:34 "Jesus replied: I tell you for certain that anyone who sins is a slave of sin!"
Now that we have looked at the power of sin we will next look at the gospel’s answer to overcoming this power. We will look at the wonderful promise the gospel gives us to deal with the power of sin in our lives; the gift of the Holy Spirit, in our next portion of this lesson.
The Gospel's Answer To The "Power" Of Sin
(The Gift Of The Holy Spirit)
We are continuing to examine how the gospel saves us from the problem of sin. We have seen that the commands of the gospel effectively deal with various aspects of sin:
The command to believe when obeyed solves the problem of the love of sin
The command to repent when obeyed solves the problem of the practice of sin
The command to be baptized when obeyed solves the problem of the state of sin
And we have also begun to notice that the promises in the gospel relate to different aspects of sin's problem; e.g., the promise of the remission of sins takes care of the guilt of sin. In this lesson, we shall examine another promise given to those who obey the gospel of Christ: the gift of the Holy Spirit!
Before we can really appreciate the part the Holy Spirit plays in the life of the Christian, we need to understand the power of sin. Sin’s power is vividly described by Paul. Paul describes the condition of one under the power of sin - Ro 7:14-25. I understand Paul to be describing the dilemma of one outside of Christ even though he speaks in the first person. From the context I believe he is demonstrating how the Law of Moses was inadequate to deal with the sin problem - compare Ro 7:7-14 with Ro 8:1-4. Others feel that he is describing the inner warfare that goes on inside of everyone, including Christians (which is certainly taught in Ga 5:16-17). But the reason I take the view that I do is seen as we continue on. Notice that the person in this text is described as:
"sold under sin" (14) "We know that the Law is spiritual. But I am merely a human, and I have been sold as a slave to sin."; having "sin that dwells in me" (17,20) "So I am not the one doing these evil things. The sin that lives in me is what does them." "And so, if I don't do what I know is right, I am no longer the one doing these evil things. The sin that lives in me is what does them."; in "captivity to the law of sin which is in my members" (23) "But in every part of me I discover something fighting against my mind, and it makes me a prisoner of sin that controls everything I do."; "wretched man that I am" (24) "What a miserable person I am. Who will rescue me from this body that is doomed to die?"; in a "body of death" (24). Is this the condition of one in Christ? Not in light of what Paul goes on to say in chapter 8.
This is the power of sin and the condition of all who do not have the help of God! Sin’s power affects everyone, for "All" have sinned - Ro 3:23 "All of us have sinned and fallen short of God's glory.". Even Christians must confess they often sin - 1 Jn 1:8 "If we say that we have not sinned, we are fooling ourselves, and the truth isn't in our hearts.", 10 "If we say that we have not sinned, we make God a liar, and his message isn't in our hearts." For it continues to play a strong role in our lives. It prompts the flesh to wage war against the soul - 1 Pe 2:11 "Dear friends, you are foreigners and strangers on this earth. So I beg you not to surrender to those desires that fight against you." Sin’s power tries to take advantage of our desires, and if it does, can lead to spiritual death - Ja 1:13-15 "Don't blame God when you are tempted! God cannot be tempted by evil, and he doesn't use evil to tempt others. We are tempted by our own desires that drag us off and trap us. Our desires make us sin, and when sin is finished with us, it leaves us dead." If not controlled, sin will continue to enslave us! - cf. Jn 8:34 "Jesus replied: I tell you for certain that anyone who sins is a slave of sin!"
Now that we have looked at the power of sin we will next look at the gospel’s answer to overcoming this power. We will look at the wonderful promise the gospel gives us to deal with the power of sin in our lives; the gift of the Holy Spirit, in our next portion of this lesson.
Sunday, March 05, 2006
The Gospel's Answer To The "Guilt" Of Sin - Part Two
The Gospel's Answer To The "Guilt" Of Sin - Part Two
(The Remission Of Sins)
In our last lesson we looked primarily at "legal" guilt. But, for many there is also the emotional guilt. But this is really only a side effect of the "legal" guilt of sin. Though it does include some terrible consequences: anxiety, depression, fear, and doubt. "There is no peace, saith the LORD, for the wicked." - Isa 48:22. Some may not experience the emotional consequence of "legal" guilt because they have rejected their conscience to the point of it being "seared" - 1 Ti 1:19-20 "You will be faithful and have a clear conscience. Some people have made a mess of their faith because they didn't listen to their consciences. Two of them are Hymenaeus and Alexander. I have given these men over to the power of Satan, so they will learn not to oppose God."; 4:1-2 "God's Spirit clearly says that in the last days many people will turn from their faith. They will be fooled by evil spirits and by teachings that come from demons. They will also be fooled by the false claims of liars whose consciences have lost all feeling." Such people have "legal guilt", nonetheless!
Yet the gospel of Christ declares that when we obey its commands, then one of the promises we receive is the remission of sins , which effectively deals with the guilt of sin. The blood of Jesus was shed for the remission of our sins - Mt 26:28 "This is my blood, and with it God makes his agreement with you. It will be poured out, so that many people will have their sins forgiven." Remission of sins is to be preached to all nations - Lk 24:45-48 "Then he helped them understand the Scriptures. He told them: The Scriptures say that the Messiah must suffer, then three days later he will rise from death. They also say that all people of every nation must be told in my name to turn to God, in order to be forgiven. So beginning in Jerusalem, you must tell everything that has happened." Peter told people they could receive remission of sins in the name of Jesus, by believing in Jesus - Ac 10:42-43 "God told us to announce clearly to the people that Jesus is the one he has chosen to judge the living and the dead. Every one of the prophets has said that all who have faith in Jesus will have their sins forgiven in his name." By repenting and being baptized in His name - Ac 2:38 "Peter said, "Turn back to God! Be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, so that your sins will be forgiven. Then you will be given the Holy Spirit."
What does this "remission of sins" involve...? The word remission means "to remit", and involves a dismissal, release. A key synonym often used in some translations is the word "forgiveness". Other terms and metaphors found in the Bible to describe the "remission" of sins:
"taken away" - Jn 1:29; Ro 11:27
"blotted out" - Ac 3:19
"washed away" - Ac 22:16
"covered" - Ro 4:7
"not imputed" - Ro 4:8
"set free" - Ro 6:17-18
"purged" - He 1:3; 2 Pe 1:9
"remembered no more" - He 8:12
All of these signifying the removal of the guilt of sin from the sinner! A legal term used to describe a sinner whose sins have been so forgiven is the word "justified". Which means "not guilty" - 1 Co 6:11 "Some of you used to be like that. But now the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and the power of God's Spirit have washed you and made you holy and acceptable to God."
Not just the removal of "legal guilt", but the removal of "emotional guilt." We can now have a perfect conscience. Something the Old Law could not do! - cf. He 9:8-10 "All of this is the Holy Spirit's way of saying that no one could enter the most holy place while the tent was still the place of worship. This also has a meaning for today. It shows that we cannot make our consciences clear by offering gifts and sacrifices. These rules are merely about such things as eating and drinking and ceremonies for washing ourselves. And rules about physical things will last only until the time comes to change them for something better."; 10:1-4 "The Law of Moses is like a shadow of the good things to come. This shadow isn't the good things themselves, because it cannot free people from sin by the sacrifices that are offered year after year. If there were worshipers who already have their sins washed away and their consciences made clear, there would not be any need to go on offering sacrifices. But the blood of bulls and goats cannot take away sins. It only reminds people of their sins from one year to the next." But by the blood of Christ, it is possible to have this "perfect" conscience - He 9:14 "But Christ was sinless, and he offered himself as an eternal and spiritual sacrifice to God. That's why his blood is much more powerful and makes our consciences clear. Now we can serve the living God and no longer do things that lead to death."; 10:22 "So let's come near God with pure hearts and a confidence that comes from having faith. Let's keep our hearts pure, our consciences free from evil, and our bodies washed with clean water." A perfect conscience in the sense that we have real reasons not to feel guilty for our sins: they are totally forgiven by the blood of Christ! Therefore, there is no need to have fear, doubt, anxiety, or depression over our spiritual condition. Instead, we can have peace and joy through the justification that comes by grace - Ro 5:1-2 "By faith we have been made acceptable to God. And now, because of our Lord Jesus Christ, we live at peace with God. Christ has also introduced us to God's undeserved kindness on which we take our stand. So we are happy, as we look forward to sharing in the glory of God." This is the promise given to those who obey the gospel that effectively deals with the problem of the guilt of sin.Your sins are remitted! You are released from the guilt of your sins! From your legal guilt for breaking God's law. From your emotional guilt burdening your sensitive conscience. Again, how does one receive this promise of "remission of sins"? By obeying the commands of the gospel. Believe in Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God, who died for your sins!
Repent of your sins, deciding in your mind to turn from sin and turn to God. Be baptized into Jesus Christ by the simple act of immersion in water in which by God's grace you are raised to walk in newness of life! Note how the last command (baptism) in particular answers the problem of guilt. First, the legal guilt - Ac 2:38 "Peter said, "Turn back to God! Be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, so that your sins will be forgiven. Then you will be given the Holy Spirit."; 22:16
"What are you waiting for? Get up! Be baptized, and wash away your sins by praying to the Lord."’ Also, the emotional guilt - 1 Pe 3:20-21 "They had disobeyed God while Noah was building the boat, but God had been patient with them. Eight people went into that boat and were brought safely through the flood. Those flood waters were like baptism that now saves you.
But baptism is more than just washing your body. It means turning to God with a clear conscience, because Jesus Christ was raised from death." (The "answer of a good conscience", or as the NASV puts it, "an appeal to God for a good conscience") Have you accepted the gospel's promise of remission of sins to deal with the guilt of your sins, by submitting to the commands of the gospel...? If you wish to do so please contact me at jnlnewsted@nts-online.net
This study is from The Executable Outlines Series, a collection of sermon outlines and Bible study lessons by Mark A. Copeland . These outlines were developed in the course of my ministry as a preacher of the gospel. Feel free to use them as they are, or adapt them to suit your own personal style. To God be the glory!
The Executable Outlines Series, Copyright © Mark A. Copeland, 2001
God Bless,
Jim Newsted
Shamrock, Tx
The town that turns green for a week every year
Even though you can't see the air, It doesn't stop you from breathing
Even though you can't see God, It doesn't stop you from believing
(The Remission Of Sins)
In our last lesson we looked primarily at "legal" guilt. But, for many there is also the emotional guilt. But this is really only a side effect of the "legal" guilt of sin. Though it does include some terrible consequences: anxiety, depression, fear, and doubt. "There is no peace, saith the LORD, for the wicked." - Isa 48:22. Some may not experience the emotional consequence of "legal" guilt because they have rejected their conscience to the point of it being "seared" - 1 Ti 1:19-20 "You will be faithful and have a clear conscience. Some people have made a mess of their faith because they didn't listen to their consciences. Two of them are Hymenaeus and Alexander. I have given these men over to the power of Satan, so they will learn not to oppose God."; 4:1-2 "God's Spirit clearly says that in the last days many people will turn from their faith. They will be fooled by evil spirits and by teachings that come from demons. They will also be fooled by the false claims of liars whose consciences have lost all feeling." Such people have "legal guilt", nonetheless!
Yet the gospel of Christ declares that when we obey its commands, then one of the promises we receive is the remission of sins , which effectively deals with the guilt of sin. The blood of Jesus was shed for the remission of our sins - Mt 26:28 "This is my blood, and with it God makes his agreement with you. It will be poured out, so that many people will have their sins forgiven." Remission of sins is to be preached to all nations - Lk 24:45-48 "Then he helped them understand the Scriptures. He told them: The Scriptures say that the Messiah must suffer, then three days later he will rise from death. They also say that all people of every nation must be told in my name to turn to God, in order to be forgiven. So beginning in Jerusalem, you must tell everything that has happened." Peter told people they could receive remission of sins in the name of Jesus, by believing in Jesus - Ac 10:42-43 "God told us to announce clearly to the people that Jesus is the one he has chosen to judge the living and the dead. Every one of the prophets has said that all who have faith in Jesus will have their sins forgiven in his name." By repenting and being baptized in His name - Ac 2:38 "Peter said, "Turn back to God! Be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, so that your sins will be forgiven. Then you will be given the Holy Spirit."
What does this "remission of sins" involve...? The word remission means "to remit", and involves a dismissal, release. A key synonym often used in some translations is the word "forgiveness". Other terms and metaphors found in the Bible to describe the "remission" of sins:
"taken away" - Jn 1:29; Ro 11:27
"blotted out" - Ac 3:19
"washed away" - Ac 22:16
"covered" - Ro 4:7
"not imputed" - Ro 4:8
"set free" - Ro 6:17-18
"purged" - He 1:3; 2 Pe 1:9
"remembered no more" - He 8:12
All of these signifying the removal of the guilt of sin from the sinner! A legal term used to describe a sinner whose sins have been so forgiven is the word "justified". Which means "not guilty" - 1 Co 6:11 "Some of you used to be like that. But now the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and the power of God's Spirit have washed you and made you holy and acceptable to God."
Not just the removal of "legal guilt", but the removal of "emotional guilt." We can now have a perfect conscience. Something the Old Law could not do! - cf. He 9:8-10 "All of this is the Holy Spirit's way of saying that no one could enter the most holy place while the tent was still the place of worship. This also has a meaning for today. It shows that we cannot make our consciences clear by offering gifts and sacrifices. These rules are merely about such things as eating and drinking and ceremonies for washing ourselves. And rules about physical things will last only until the time comes to change them for something better."; 10:1-4 "The Law of Moses is like a shadow of the good things to come. This shadow isn't the good things themselves, because it cannot free people from sin by the sacrifices that are offered year after year. If there were worshipers who already have their sins washed away and their consciences made clear, there would not be any need to go on offering sacrifices. But the blood of bulls and goats cannot take away sins. It only reminds people of their sins from one year to the next." But by the blood of Christ, it is possible to have this "perfect" conscience - He 9:14 "But Christ was sinless, and he offered himself as an eternal and spiritual sacrifice to God. That's why his blood is much more powerful and makes our consciences clear. Now we can serve the living God and no longer do things that lead to death."; 10:22 "So let's come near God with pure hearts and a confidence that comes from having faith. Let's keep our hearts pure, our consciences free from evil, and our bodies washed with clean water." A perfect conscience in the sense that we have real reasons not to feel guilty for our sins: they are totally forgiven by the blood of Christ! Therefore, there is no need to have fear, doubt, anxiety, or depression over our spiritual condition. Instead, we can have peace and joy through the justification that comes by grace - Ro 5:1-2 "By faith we have been made acceptable to God. And now, because of our Lord Jesus Christ, we live at peace with God. Christ has also introduced us to God's undeserved kindness on which we take our stand. So we are happy, as we look forward to sharing in the glory of God." This is the promise given to those who obey the gospel that effectively deals with the problem of the guilt of sin.Your sins are remitted! You are released from the guilt of your sins! From your legal guilt for breaking God's law. From your emotional guilt burdening your sensitive conscience. Again, how does one receive this promise of "remission of sins"? By obeying the commands of the gospel. Believe in Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God, who died for your sins!
Repent of your sins, deciding in your mind to turn from sin and turn to God. Be baptized into Jesus Christ by the simple act of immersion in water in which by God's grace you are raised to walk in newness of life! Note how the last command (baptism) in particular answers the problem of guilt. First, the legal guilt - Ac 2:38 "Peter said, "Turn back to God! Be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, so that your sins will be forgiven. Then you will be given the Holy Spirit."; 22:16
"What are you waiting for? Get up! Be baptized, and wash away your sins by praying to the Lord."’ Also, the emotional guilt - 1 Pe 3:20-21 "They had disobeyed God while Noah was building the boat, but God had been patient with them. Eight people went into that boat and were brought safely through the flood. Those flood waters were like baptism that now saves you.
But baptism is more than just washing your body. It means turning to God with a clear conscience, because Jesus Christ was raised from death." (The "answer of a good conscience", or as the NASV puts it, "an appeal to God for a good conscience") Have you accepted the gospel's promise of remission of sins to deal with the guilt of your sins, by submitting to the commands of the gospel...? If you wish to do so please contact me at jnlnewsted@nts-online.net
This study is from The Executable Outlines Series, a collection of sermon outlines and Bible study lessons by Mark A. Copeland . These outlines were developed in the course of my ministry as a preacher of the gospel. Feel free to use them as they are, or adapt them to suit your own personal style. To God be the glory!
The Executable Outlines Series, Copyright © Mark A. Copeland, 2001
God Bless,
Jim Newsted
Shamrock, Tx
The town that turns green for a week every year
Even though you can't see the air, It doesn't stop you from breathing
Even though you can't see God, It doesn't stop you from believing
The Gospel's Answer To The "Guilt" Of Sin - Part Two
The Gospel's Answer To The "Guilt" Of Sin - Part Two
(The Remission Of Sins)
In our last lesson we looked primarily at "legal" guilt. But, for many there is also the emotional guilt. But this is really only a side effect of the "legal" guilt of sin. Though it does include some terrible consequences: anxiety, depression, fear, and doubt. "There is no peace, saith the LORD, for the wicked." - Isa 48:22. Some may not experience the emotional consequence of "legal" guilt because they have rejected their conscience to the point of it being "seared" - 1 Ti 1:19-20 "You will be faithful and have a clear conscience. Some people have made a mess of their faith because they didn't listen to their consciences. Two of them are Hymenaeus and Alexander. I have given these men over to the power of Satan, so they will learn not to oppose God."; 4:1-2 "God's Spirit clearly says that in the last days many people will turn from their faith. They will be fooled by evil spirits and by teachings that come from demons. They will also be fooled by the false claims of liars whose consciences have lost all feeling." Such people have "legal guilt", nonetheless!
Yet the gospel of Christ declares that when we obey its commands, then one of the promises we receive is the remission of sins , which effectively deals with the guilt of sin. The blood of Jesus was shed for the remission of our sins - Mt 26:28 "This is my blood, and with it God makes his agreement with you. It will be poured out, so that many people will have their sins forgiven." Remission of sins is to be preached to all nations - Lk 24:45-48 "Then he helped them understand the Scriptures. He told them: The Scriptures say that the Messiah must suffer, then three days later he will rise from death. They also say that all people of every nation must be told in my name to turn to God, in order to be forgiven. So beginning in Jerusalem, you must tell everything that has happened." Peter told people they could receive remission of sins in the name of Jesus, by believing in Jesus - Ac 10:42-43 "God told us to announce clearly to the people that Jesus is the one he has chosen to judge the living and the dead. Every one of the prophets has said that all who have faith in Jesus will have their sins forgiven in his name." By repenting and being baptized in His name - Ac 2:38 "Peter said, "Turn back to God! Be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, so that your sins will be forgiven. Then you will be given the Holy Spirit."
What does this "remission of sins" involve...? The word remission means "to remit", and involves a dismissal, release. A key synonym often used in some translations is the word "forgiveness". Other terms and metaphors found in the Bible to describe the "remission" of sins:
"taken away" - Jn 1:29; Ro 11:27
"blotted out" - Ac 3:19
"washed away" - Ac 22:16
"covered" - Ro 4:7
"not imputed" - Ro 4:8
"set free" - Ro 6:17-18
"purged" - He 1:3; 2 Pe 1:9
"remembered no more" - He 8:12
All of these signifying the removal of the guilt of sin from the sinner! A legal term used to describe a sinner whose sins have been so forgiven is the word "justified". Which means "not guilty" - 1 Co 6:11 "Some of you used to be like that. But now the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and the power of God's Spirit have washed you and made you holy and acceptable to God."
Not just the removal of "legal guilt", but the removal of "emotional guilt." We can now have a perfect conscience. Something the Old Law could not do! - cf. He 9:8-10 "All of this is the Holy Spirit's way of saying that no one could enter the most holy place while the tent was still the place of worship. This also has a meaning for today. It shows that we cannot make our consciences clear by offering gifts and sacrifices. These rules are merely about such things as eating and drinking and ceremonies for washing ourselves. And rules about physical things will last only until the time comes to change them for something better."; 10:1-4 "The Law of Moses is like a shadow of the good things to come. This shadow isn't the good things themselves, because it cannot free people from sin by the sacrifices that are offered year after year. If there were worshipers who already have their sins washed away and their consciences made clear, there would not be any need to go on offering sacrifices. But the blood of bulls and goats cannot take away sins. It only reminds people of their sins from one year to the next." But by the blood of Christ, it is possible to have this "perfect" conscience - He 9:14 "But Christ was sinless, and he offered himself as an eternal and spiritual sacrifice to God. That's why his blood is much more powerful and makes our consciences clear. Now we can serve the living God and no longer do things that lead to death."; 10:22 "So let's come near God with pure hearts and a confidence that comes from having faith. Let's keep our hearts pure, our consciences free from evil, and our bodies washed with clean water." A perfect conscience in the sense that we have real reasons not to feel guilty for our sins: they are totally forgiven by the blood of Christ! Therefore, there is no need to have fear, doubt, anxiety, or depression over our spiritual condition. Instead, we can have peace and joy through the justification that comes by grace - Ro 5:1-2 "By faith we have been made acceptable to God. And now, because of our Lord Jesus Christ, we live at peace with God. Christ has also introduced us to God's undeserved kindness on which we take our stand. So we are happy, as we look forward to sharing in the glory of God." This is the promise given to those who obey the gospel that effectively deals with the problem of the guilt of sin.Your sins are remitted! You are released from the guilt of your sins! From your legal guilt for breaking God's law. From your emotional guilt burdening your sensitive conscience. Again, how does one receive this promise of "remission of sins"? By obeying the commands of the gospel. Believe in Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God, who died for your sins!
Repent of your sins, deciding in your mind to turn from sin and turn to God. Be baptized into Jesus Christ by the simple act of immersion in water in which by God's grace you are raised to walk in newness of life! Note how the last command (baptism) in particular answers the problem of guilt. First, the legal guilt - Ac 2:38 "Peter said, "Turn back to God! Be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, so that your sins will be forgiven. Then you will be given the Holy Spirit."; 22:16
"What are you waiting for? Get up! Be baptized, and wash away your sins by praying to the Lord."’ Also, the emotional guilt - 1 Pe 3:20-21 "They had disobeyed God while Noah was building the boat, but God had been patient with them. Eight people went into that boat and were brought safely through the flood. Those flood waters were like baptism that now saves you.
But baptism is more than just washing your body. It means turning to God with a clear conscience, because Jesus Christ was raised from death." (The "answer of a good conscience", or as the NASV puts it, "an appeal to God for a good conscience") Have you accepted the gospel's promise of remission of sins to deal with the guilt of your sins, by submitting to the commands of the gospel...? If you wish to do so please contact me at jnlnewsted@nts-online.net
This study is from The Executable Outlines Series, a collection of sermon outlines and Bible study lessons by Mark A. Copeland . These outlines were developed in the course of my ministry as a preacher of the gospel. Feel free to use them as they are, or adapt them to suit your own personal style. To God be the glory!
The Executable Outlines Series, Copyright © Mark A. Copeland, 2001
God Bless,
Jim Newsted
Shamrock, Tx
The town that turns green for a week every year
Even though you can't see the air, It doesn't stop you from breathing
Even though you can't see God, It doesn't stop you from believing
(The Remission Of Sins)
In our last lesson we looked primarily at "legal" guilt. But, for many there is also the emotional guilt. But this is really only a side effect of the "legal" guilt of sin. Though it does include some terrible consequences: anxiety, depression, fear, and doubt. "There is no peace, saith the LORD, for the wicked." - Isa 48:22. Some may not experience the emotional consequence of "legal" guilt because they have rejected their conscience to the point of it being "seared" - 1 Ti 1:19-20 "You will be faithful and have a clear conscience. Some people have made a mess of their faith because they didn't listen to their consciences. Two of them are Hymenaeus and Alexander. I have given these men over to the power of Satan, so they will learn not to oppose God."; 4:1-2 "God's Spirit clearly says that in the last days many people will turn from their faith. They will be fooled by evil spirits and by teachings that come from demons. They will also be fooled by the false claims of liars whose consciences have lost all feeling." Such people have "legal guilt", nonetheless!
Yet the gospel of Christ declares that when we obey its commands, then one of the promises we receive is the remission of sins , which effectively deals with the guilt of sin. The blood of Jesus was shed for the remission of our sins - Mt 26:28 "This is my blood, and with it God makes his agreement with you. It will be poured out, so that many people will have their sins forgiven." Remission of sins is to be preached to all nations - Lk 24:45-48 "Then he helped them understand the Scriptures. He told them: The Scriptures say that the Messiah must suffer, then three days later he will rise from death. They also say that all people of every nation must be told in my name to turn to God, in order to be forgiven. So beginning in Jerusalem, you must tell everything that has happened." Peter told people they could receive remission of sins in the name of Jesus, by believing in Jesus - Ac 10:42-43 "God told us to announce clearly to the people that Jesus is the one he has chosen to judge the living and the dead. Every one of the prophets has said that all who have faith in Jesus will have their sins forgiven in his name." By repenting and being baptized in His name - Ac 2:38 "Peter said, "Turn back to God! Be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, so that your sins will be forgiven. Then you will be given the Holy Spirit."
What does this "remission of sins" involve...? The word remission means "to remit", and involves a dismissal, release. A key synonym often used in some translations is the word "forgiveness". Other terms and metaphors found in the Bible to describe the "remission" of sins:
"taken away" - Jn 1:29; Ro 11:27
"blotted out" - Ac 3:19
"washed away" - Ac 22:16
"covered" - Ro 4:7
"not imputed" - Ro 4:8
"set free" - Ro 6:17-18
"purged" - He 1:3; 2 Pe 1:9
"remembered no more" - He 8:12
All of these signifying the removal of the guilt of sin from the sinner! A legal term used to describe a sinner whose sins have been so forgiven is the word "justified". Which means "not guilty" - 1 Co 6:11 "Some of you used to be like that. But now the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and the power of God's Spirit have washed you and made you holy and acceptable to God."
Not just the removal of "legal guilt", but the removal of "emotional guilt." We can now have a perfect conscience. Something the Old Law could not do! - cf. He 9:8-10 "All of this is the Holy Spirit's way of saying that no one could enter the most holy place while the tent was still the place of worship. This also has a meaning for today. It shows that we cannot make our consciences clear by offering gifts and sacrifices. These rules are merely about such things as eating and drinking and ceremonies for washing ourselves. And rules about physical things will last only until the time comes to change them for something better."; 10:1-4 "The Law of Moses is like a shadow of the good things to come. This shadow isn't the good things themselves, because it cannot free people from sin by the sacrifices that are offered year after year. If there were worshipers who already have their sins washed away and their consciences made clear, there would not be any need to go on offering sacrifices. But the blood of bulls and goats cannot take away sins. It only reminds people of their sins from one year to the next." But by the blood of Christ, it is possible to have this "perfect" conscience - He 9:14 "But Christ was sinless, and he offered himself as an eternal and spiritual sacrifice to God. That's why his blood is much more powerful and makes our consciences clear. Now we can serve the living God and no longer do things that lead to death."; 10:22 "So let's come near God with pure hearts and a confidence that comes from having faith. Let's keep our hearts pure, our consciences free from evil, and our bodies washed with clean water." A perfect conscience in the sense that we have real reasons not to feel guilty for our sins: they are totally forgiven by the blood of Christ! Therefore, there is no need to have fear, doubt, anxiety, or depression over our spiritual condition. Instead, we can have peace and joy through the justification that comes by grace - Ro 5:1-2 "By faith we have been made acceptable to God. And now, because of our Lord Jesus Christ, we live at peace with God. Christ has also introduced us to God's undeserved kindness on which we take our stand. So we are happy, as we look forward to sharing in the glory of God." This is the promise given to those who obey the gospel that effectively deals with the problem of the guilt of sin.Your sins are remitted! You are released from the guilt of your sins! From your legal guilt for breaking God's law. From your emotional guilt burdening your sensitive conscience. Again, how does one receive this promise of "remission of sins"? By obeying the commands of the gospel. Believe in Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God, who died for your sins!
Repent of your sins, deciding in your mind to turn from sin and turn to God. Be baptized into Jesus Christ by the simple act of immersion in water in which by God's grace you are raised to walk in newness of life! Note how the last command (baptism) in particular answers the problem of guilt. First, the legal guilt - Ac 2:38 "Peter said, "Turn back to God! Be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, so that your sins will be forgiven. Then you will be given the Holy Spirit."; 22:16
"What are you waiting for? Get up! Be baptized, and wash away your sins by praying to the Lord."’ Also, the emotional guilt - 1 Pe 3:20-21 "They had disobeyed God while Noah was building the boat, but God had been patient with them. Eight people went into that boat and were brought safely through the flood. Those flood waters were like baptism that now saves you.
But baptism is more than just washing your body. It means turning to God with a clear conscience, because Jesus Christ was raised from death." (The "answer of a good conscience", or as the NASV puts it, "an appeal to God for a good conscience") Have you accepted the gospel's promise of remission of sins to deal with the guilt of your sins, by submitting to the commands of the gospel...? If you wish to do so please contact me at jnlnewsted@nts-online.net
This study is from The Executable Outlines Series, a collection of sermon outlines and Bible study lessons by Mark A. Copeland . These outlines were developed in the course of my ministry as a preacher of the gospel. Feel free to use them as they are, or adapt them to suit your own personal style. To God be the glory!
The Executable Outlines Series, Copyright © Mark A. Copeland, 2001
God Bless,
Jim Newsted
Shamrock, Tx
The town that turns green for a week every year
Even though you can't see the air, It doesn't stop you from breathing
Even though you can't see God, It doesn't stop you from believing
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