A Closer Walk With God
Increasing Opportunities To Share The Gospel - Cont.
We continue this lesson in a second part. Having looked at a couple of things to do with our list of souls we would like to see saved we will look at some additional action steps we will need to take.
Do the things which demonstrates your love for them. The importance of this suggestions is that "People don't care how much we know until they know how much we care!" A demonstration of love will make a person more likely to be receptive to the gospel of love when it is shared! - 1 Pe 2:12 "Keep your conduct among the Gentiles honorable, so that when they speak against you as evildoers, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day of visitation."
Some "action" steps we can take is to invite them into your home for a dinner or snack. Visit them, especially in times of trial or sickness. Do things with them on a social level.
Invite those on your list to attend services. Some reasons we wanr them to attend services is that they will (or should) have an opportunity to see a caring congregation in action. Combined with your own demonstration of love as an individual the demonstration of love by others should make a lasting impression. They will more likely have an opportunity to be presented with the gospel of Christ (more on this, shortly).
As you prepare to invite these souls, be sure to pray, asking for "wisdom" to invite them in the best manner. Asking for "boldness" to offer the invitation to attend. Whether invited by you, someone else, or are walk-ins greet them, let them know they are welcome. Invite them home or out for a dinner or snack. Call or visit them, after they have attended - He 13:2 "Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares."; Ro 12:13b "and seek to show hospitality." In doing this, you are preparing their hearts for the gospel. For by demonstrating love as a congregation of Christians they will be more likely to believe in the love of God demonstrated in the life of Christ! - 1 Pe 2:11-12 "Beloved, I urge you as sojourners and exiles to abstain from the passions of the flesh, which wage war against your soul. Keep your conduct among the Gentiles honorable, so that when they speak against you as evildoers, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day of visitation."
See that they have an opportunity to hear the gospel. Ideally, this will come after witnessing a demonstration of the gospel "in our lives" by our love, hospitality, etc. Both as individuals and as a congregation. If you feel confident in teaching others, then approach them yourself and suggest a home Bible study with them (using aids like video tapes, charts, or simply an open Bible). Or that they study on their own with the aid of a Bible correspondence course. If you do not feel you are capable to approach them concerning a study, or in conducting the study yourself bring it to the attention of members who are able and willing to teach. Provide opportunities for the teacher and the prospect to become better acquainted, and the teacher can take it from there.
These suggestions are offered with a firm conviction that if they will be carried out, opportunities to share the gospel and save souls will be greatly increased! With the hope that you will accept the challenge to implement these suggestions. This approach is not only the most successful in saving and keeping souls, it is also one of the most natural and easiest ways to reach the lost for Christ! Remember the survey by The Institute For American Church Growth? One does not even have to be able to teach to be effective in leading others to Christ! One simply has to be a friend to Christians and to the lost! And even if we do not convert a single soul we will have fulfilled our obligation to share Christ with others. We will have done it in such a way as to become better Christians, a better congregation, better friends, better neighbors, better coworkers, etc.!
Here are some suggestions for implementation by a congregation or a feww interested individuals.
Have those interested in being involved meet together on a weekly basis.
Encourage one another to set goals for the coming week. Share ideas for goals; for example...
1) Having over or visiting one person or family from the congregation.
2) Making a list of souls for which to begin praying.
3) What you plan to do to demonstrate your love and concern for those on your list.
4) Who you will invite to services.
5) What visitors you will call, visit, etc.
6) Who you will offer to have a study, or put in contact with someone who will follow-up with a study.
Write the goals for the coming week down. Pray about them, together and on your own throughout the week.
At each weekly meeting share and discuss how the goals are being met. Set new goals for the coming week. Write them down, pray about them.
This simple program should easily increase opportunities to share the gospel and bring many souls to Christ!